» AV Festival – International Festival of Art, Technology, Film and Music,


By Fred Kelemen

is a landmark European film, cementing Kelemen as an inheritor of Fassbinder and Herzog. This three-hour epic 16mm film focuses on a mother and son fleeing her abusive husband in Berlin and wandering the former East Germany seeking a town that has long since vanished. Set during a sunless Christmas, Frost slowly unfolds during their one-week odyssey across glacial landscapes, towards peace.

One of the boldest German filmmakers of the last 20-years, critic Susan Sontag compared Kelemen’s “urgently relevant” work to Sokurov and collaborator Bela Tarr. He garnered attention for his 1990s trilogy – Fate, Frost and Nightfall. Believing in “time and not in speed”, meditations on human dissolution, cruelty and loneliness unfold at somnambulant pace. Set amongst Europe’s late-capitalist underclass of the unemployed and dispossessed, he captures nocturnal urban low-life with beauty.


Newcastle / England, March 2012