» Synopsis


Germany / Hungary 1993, 73 min.by Fred Kelemen

Dark, deserted streets in a devastated European town at the end of the 20 th Century.
People on the run. Explosions. A woman and a man meet. And they loose sight of each other again after spending a night in a hotel room. Surrounded by a desolate and polluted universe where night never seems to come to an end, these lonely souls are on their melancholic quest for a lost world. But in the longed for world there cannot be any reality. In the other one, which is existing, life has come to an end. It needs to cross the wasteland and to go beyond the horizon to find the starting point of something new.

“Kalyi – Age of Darkness” follows rather the structure of o poem than of a novel. It is inspired by motives of the German expressionist short story “Miramée” by Walther Rheiner (1895 – 1925).





